For years we‘ve been counseling individuals, couples and leadership groups. Most relational problems are because of different perceptions and communication styles which can results in misunderstandings.
We would like to help you to overcome those issues. We are working together with the KENDALL LIFE LANGUAGES INSTITUTE®, INC.
and have found this partnership to be a very effective tool in our ministry.
Your KLLP™ results reveal:
Your Communication Style
Your Communication Style reveals your Character
Your Character reveals your Passions
Your Passions reveal your Purpose
Your Purpose reveals your Effectiveness
Your Effectiveness reveals your Success!
How many nights have you lost sleep over something you said or didn’t say to someone important in your life? Did you know that poor communication is in the Top 5 complaints in marriage, family, parenting, and work? How important is effective communication to you?
Effective communication skills will improve your relationships, increase your income potential, and reduce your stress. In less than 20 minutes you will have the most comprehensive communication style analysis tool on the market today! While there are many assessments on the market, such as personality tests, skills analysis, temperament behavioral profiles, and interest profiles, as well as aptitude, EQ and IQ tests. Setting us apart from all other tests and profiles, the KLLP measures your communication style. You will not find a more comprehensive, accurate, and definitive communication style analysis tool as the Kendall Life Languages Profile™ (KLLP™)!
The KLLP™ is easy to take and easy to use. You will have instant access to the results; a downloadable, printable PDF report jam-packed with over twenty pages of incredible, personal, and valuable information pertaining to your personal communication style! The KLLP is NOT a psychological profile! Unlike a psychological profile, you will want to share your Life Languages profile with everyone you know!
For only $45.00 and 25 minutes this important investment in your future will give you powerful strategies for Character Centered Communication™. With this dynamic tool you will immediately be able to:
Discover incredible conflict resolution skills
Communicate effortlessly with your spouse and rekindle your romance
Communicate effectively with your children and focus on their character development
Communicate efficiently with your boss, employees, co-workers and project teams
Create healthy ways to connect with others
Reduce your stress and start living a balanced life
Develop your character strengths and reveal your passions
Strengthen your character weaknesses and reach your potential
Begin living your dream!
If you’re ready to improve your communication skills, eliminate conflict and see dramatic improvements in your relationships at home and at work then don’t wait any longer! Take charge of your communication effectiveness and start reaping the benefits today!
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"My consultants were professional, knowledgeable, and compassionate. They thoroughly explained the material, answered all my questions, and readily made themselves available for anything that may arise in the future. I highly recommend them!"
Jennifer H.